English Page

Welcome to the website of Mine[mine] Catholic Church, a Roman Catholic church located in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi prefecture, Japan. Mine Catholic Church belongs to the Catholic Diocese of Saitama

We invite people of all nationalities to worship with us. If you wish to formally join our community, offering your time, talents, financial support, or any kind of help, please let us know.

Although the mass is held in Japanese, but we are always happy to give assistance those whose need any information in other languages.

Location & Contacts

Mine Catholic Church


Mine Catholic Church
(Holy Family Church)

Patron SaintThe Holy Family
Address2-19-9 Mine, Utsunomiya,
Tochigi 321-0942

By Train

  • Utsunomiya Haga Light Rail (LRT)
    Get off at MINE stop.
    Mine church is around 10-minute walk from the Mine stop.
  • JR Tohoku Main Line (JR Tōhoku-honsen, JR 東北本線)
    Get off at JR UTSUNOMIYA station.
    Mine church is around 30-minute walk from the JR Utsunomiya Station.

By Bus

From the Utsunomiya Station (West Exit bus terminal):

  • Bus stop no. 14: Take Kanto Jidosha bus bound for Moka (真岡), Mashiko (益子), or Bell Mall (ベルモール).
    Get off at UTSUNOMIYA-DAIGAKU-MAE (宇都宮大学前) bus stop.
    Mine church is 10- minute walk from this bus stop.

By Car

Parking spaces are available.

Access Route

Mass Schedule

Mass times may be subject to change, so please check the Information Board as well.  

Sunday Mass
Sun: 9 am.

Daily Mass
(at the chapel)

Mon: 7 am.
Tue: 6 pm.
Wed-Sat: 7 am.


From Aug.2024

Tue: 7 am.
Until Jul.2024
English Mass
通常スケジュール – Regular Schedule

Other Information

Check the Information Board for other information in English.

External Contents
