主任司祭メッセージ(2024年)| Priest’s Messages 2024

【9月】すべての命を守るための月間9月1日~10月4日 カトリック峰教会の取り組み 2024



2日 祈り:神よ、喜ぶ人とともに喜び、泣く人とともに泣く心をお与えください。
3日 祈り:神よ、すべての造られた者がキリスト死によって悪の傾きから解放されていることを悟り、すべての命を大切にしていくことができますように。
4日 祈り:神よ、キリストの触れによって癒されている人類と被造物を感謝のうちに管理し、傷つけないないように生きる恵みを与えてください。
5日 祈り:神よ、命の尊い賜物に感謝し、小さな命を尊重することができますように。
すべての命を守るための月間 カトリック峰教会の取り組み 2024年



科学的には宇宙は約200億年前からのものであり、対して人類は約400万年前からに過ぎません。したがって、創造は私たちより19996000000年先立つものです。 しかし、出現してから、人間は活発にそして傲慢に天然資源を浪費し、母なる地球をほとんど枯渇(こかつ)させ、搾取しました。 これは、人間が自分自身をすべての尺度(しゃくど)とし、また、主人とし、支配者の地位に立とうとしたために起こりました。母なる地球に対するこの加害は地球をひどく病気にし、今日地球は入院し、観察のためにICUにいます。 これは、大規模な工業化をもたらした技術が手伝ってグローバル化された人間中心主義のために起こりました。人間は神様から与えられた地球の管理人であることを忘れ、支配者の立場を取ったからだと考えられます。人が自分も造られた被造物の一部であることを受け入れ、受け止めることに失敗した結果、奉仕ではなく、権力の道を選び、大地を傷つけてしまったのです。傷つけられている地球は今色々な変化を見せ、全人類とすべての生き物が困っています。気候変動、地球温暖化による災害はすべて大地が傷ついている証拠です。
そこで、すべての命を守るためのキリスト者の祈りの中で教皇フランシスコの心をこもった願いを見ることができます。「わたしたちが傷つけてしまった地球と、この世界で見捨てられ、忘れ去られた人々の叫びに気づくことができるよう、一人ひとりの心を照らしてください。無関心を遠ざけ、貧しい人や弱い人を支え、ともに暮らす家である地球を大切にできるよう、わたしたちの役割を示してください。」 命を守る手段は、すべてが神様からいただいたものということを素直に受け止め、自己中心また利己主義により壊してしまった地球の改善のため皆で努力することです。その上で、開かれた人として母なる大地の痛みをやわらげるために意識しながら無関心と無責任の態度を捨て、生きて行くことが求められます。

An open community that accepts and supports each other

Fr. Poul Karun

Pope Francis established the first Sunday of September as the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” (2015). Then, following Pope Francis’ visit to Japan (2020), the Catholic Bishops of Japan designated September 1st to October 4th as the “Month for the Protection of All Life.” During this month, we also recite Christian prayers to protect all life. In this year’s “Month for the Protection of All Life” message, I would like to share a little about our Church’s slogan, “An open community that accepts and supports each other.”
During the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” or the “Month for the Protection of All Life”, it has often been said that “we should respect even the smallest life, protect the Earth, our common home, and treasure life”. I think that the first thing we need to do to treasure, respect, and protect life is to “accept each other”. It is important to “accept”. What has to be accepted? We need to accept that we are all “created beings”. If we remember the reality that all created beings are “imperfect” and nothing is perfect among created things, many problems will disappear. Suppose we can accept that we are imperfect, that we make mistakes, and that we have weaknesses within ourselves. In that case, we will be able to understand and accept the reality that we cannot live alone, that others are important for the sake of living, and that others are also human beings created like ourselves. This is where one of the great truths is revealed. That is, “everything (creatures and others) is a gift given by God”. Gifts always bring joy to others. If creation and other people are gifts to us and bring us joy, then we are also gifts to others and realize that our mission in life should be to make others happy. So the second step is to “support each other.”
If we can accept each other, we will know how much we have been helped and supported by God and by others. Since we have become who we are today because of their support, we must also help others. By reaching out to others, our hearts are “opened.” To be an “open-hearted person” means to see the needs of others and act accordingly. With this in mind, we have set the slogan of our Church Community, which is walking towards its 50th anniversary, as “An open community that accepts and supports each other.” Now, I would like to take another step forward and think a little about this in line with “The Month to Protect All Lives.”
Scientifically, the universe is about 20 billion years old, whereas humanity is only about 4 million years old. Therefore, creation precedes us by 19996 million years. However, since its appearance, humans have actively and arrogantly wasted natural resources, almost exhausting and exploiting Mother Earth. This happened because humans tried to make themselves the measure of everything, the master, and the ruler. This harm to Mother Earth made her very sick, and today she is hospitalized and in the ICU for observation. This happened because of globalized anthropocentrism aided by technology that brought about large-scale industrialization. It is because humans forgot that they are the stewards of the Earth given to them by God and took the position of ruler. Man failed to accept and embrace that he is also a part of the created creation, and as a result, he chose the path of power instead of service, and he ended up damaging the Earth. The damaged Earth is now showing various changes, and all of humanity and all living things are in trouble. All disasters caused by climate change and global warming are evidence of the damage to the earth.
There, we can see the heartfelt request of Pope Francis in the Christian prayer for the protection of all life. “Enlighten each of us so that we may hear the cries of abandoned and forgotten people and the cry of this Earth that we have hurt so much. Show us the way out of indifference
so that we might support poor and weak people and treasure the Earth, our common home.” The means to protect life is to accept everything as a gift from God and to work together to heal the Earth that we have destroyed through our self-centeredness and selfishness. On top of that, we are called to live as open-hearted people, abandoning indifference and irresponsibility, while consciously trying to ease the pain of Mother Earth.
As “an open community that accepts and supports each other,” we at the Catholic Mine Church build an open community that accepts and supports each other, and at the same time, let us be aware of our responsibility to protect nature and leave a healthy natural environment for the next generation. As the theme of the Pope’s message for this year’s World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation says, let us “hope and act with creation.” In this message, Pope Francis encourages us to continue to walk together with hope and humility, even in the face of difficulties. I hope and pray that by following the Pope’s advice and putting this year’s slogan into practice, we will become open-hearted people.

【8月】祈りの巡礼 2









イエス様が祈っておられたことについて聖書にはたくさんの記録があります。洗礼の時 (ルカ 3:21)、人里離れた所で祈る(ルカ5:16)、夕方病人を癒してから (マルコ 1:35)、湖上を歩く前 (マタイ 14:23, マルコ 6:46, ヨハネ 6:15)、12人を選ぶ前に (ルカ 6:12)、ペトロの信仰告白の前に

 (ルカ 9:18) 、変容の時 (ルカ 9:29) 、弟子たちに祈りを教える前に (ルカ 11:1)、ペトロの信仰のために祈る (ルカ22:32)。イエス様は、夜遅くまで、朝まだ暗い時に祈っておられたと福音は教えますが、何を祈っていたのか。どのように祈っていたのか。想像してみたら良いと思います。御父の心を知っていたイエスは、たぶん子供が父と話しているように祈っていたのではないでしょうか。聖書の中で書かれているいくつかの箇所の中でイエスの祈りについて読むことができます。一つはマタイ11:25~27で記されています。そのとき、イエスはこう言われた。「天地の主である父よ、あなたをほめたたえます。これらのことを知恵ある者や賢い者には隠して、幼子のような者にお示しになりました。そうです、父よ、これは御心に適うことでした。すべてのことは、父からわたしに任せられています。父のほかに子を知る者はなく、子と、子が示そうと思う者のほかには、父を知る者はいません。(ルカ10:21~)。ラザロが無くなった時に(ヨハネ11:41~42)、大祭司の祈り(ヨハネ17)、ゲッセマネの園での祈り(マタイ26:36–46、マルコ 14:32–42、ルカ22:39–46)十字架の上から捧げる祈り(ルカ 23:34 、マタイ27:46,マルコ15:34、ルカ 23:46)。


Pilgrimage of Prayer 2

Fr. Poul Karun

As we journey through the “Year of Prayer” in preparation for the Jubilee Year of 2025, we began our reflection on the “Pilgrimage of Prayer” from last month. In last month’s article, we learned the meaning of the words; “prayer” and “pilgrimage,” and that the pilgrimage of prayer is a journey of faith, and its path is humility. This month, I would like to continue our reflection.

Pilgrimage of prayer has a purpose.

The purpose of prayer and pilgrimage is to “encounter God.” It is the longing of all creation. Pope Benedict XVI said, “When you encounter God, do not forget your brothers and sisters.” So, while we pray or attend Mass we should have an intention. We almost forget about this when we attend Mass, recite the Rosary, or make the Stations of the Cross. Here, I would like to share a little about how to attend Mass.

Each of us has a Guardian Angel appointed by God. That Guardian Angel always protects and guides us. Guardian Angel also intercedes for us before God. When we go to Mass, the Guardian Angel enters the church with us and is with us until the liturgy of the Word of God. During the offertory procession, the Angel goes up to the altar with our offerings and praises Jesus. If we attend Mass with an intention, the Guardian Angel prays and offers that intention to Jesus, and we can receive his grace. The intention I mean here is broader than the Mass intention we offer in an envelope. If we attend Mass without an intention, we do not receive the grace, and it is nothing but a Mass in which we have fulfilled our obligation. Mass is the highest prayer, and if we offer our intention to God during the Collect (Opening prayer of the Mass) and offer our intentions to the Lord during the offertory prayer, they will surely be granted. The crucified thief teaches us this. The thief was the first saint of the Church, and according to tradition his name was “Dismas.” It is believed that he ascended to heaven with Jesus on the same day. Let us remember Jesus’ words to him: “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus is faithful and will never break his promises. At the time of Consecration, Jesus is crucified. Let us offer our heart’s intentions to Him and receive many blessings.

The pilgrimage of prayer is made with the Lord and the Holy Spirit.

While teaching about prayer, St. Paul tells us that “we do not know what we ought to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings which words cannot express” (Romans 8:26). The Holy Spirit is the teacher and guide of prayer. We cannot pray without the Holy Spirit, for He gives us the right to call God “Abba Father” (Galatians 4:6). The path of prayer is a pilgrimage made with the Lord, guided by the Holy Spirit. The Lord says, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5) and calls us to “Abide in His love” (John 15:10). Let us remember this; prayer can never be done only by human strength.

The model for the pilgrimage of prayer is Jesus himself.

There are many episodes recorded in the Bible about Jesus praying. At His baptism (Luke 3:21), praying in a secluded place (Luke 5:16), after healing the sick in the evening (Mark 1:35), before walking on the lake (Matthew 14:23, Mark 6:46, John 6:15), before choosing the 12 (Luke 6:12), before Peter’s confession of faith(Luke 9:18), at the Transfiguration (Luke 9:29), before teaching his disciples how to pray (Luke 11:1), and praying for Peter’s faith (Luke 22:32).

The Gospels teach us that Jesus prayed late at night and when it was still dark in the morning, but what was he praying for? How was he praying? I think it’s good to imagine it. Jesus, who knew the Father’s will, probably prayed as a child would speak to his father. We can read about Jesus praying in several places in the Bible. One is in Matthew 11:25-27. At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. (Luke 10:21ff). When Lazarus died (John 11:41-42), the high priest’s prayer (John 17), the prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46), the prayer from the cross (Luke 23:34, Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Luke 23:46).

Jesus always prayed and set an example for us. With a heart of love and trust in our Heavenly Father, let us entrust everything into His hands and continue our pilgrimage of prayer with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Cuộc hành hương cầu nguyện (ベトナム語訳)

Cha Poul Mascarnas

Chuẩn bị cho Năm Thánh 2025, chúng ta đã dành năm vừa qua để cầu nguyện, và tháng trước chúng ta đã bắt đầu suy ngẫm về “cuộc hành hương cầu nguyện”. Trong bài viết tháng trước, đã có giải thích về ý nghĩa của từ “cầu nguyện” và “hành hương”, cũng như giải thích rằng cuộc hành hương cầu nguyện là một hành trình đức tin, và con đường đó phải khiêm nhường. Tháng này, chúng ta sẽ tiếp tục bàn luận về chủ đề này.

Cuộc hành hương cầu nguyện có mục đích.

Mục đích của cầu nguyện và hành hương là “gặp gỡ Chúa”. Đó là khao khát của mọi tạo vật. Giáo hoàng Bênêđictô XVI đã nói: “Khi gặp gỡ Chúa, chúng ta không được quên anh chị em của mình”. Vì vậy, chúng ta nên cầu nguyện và tham dự thánh lễ hàng ngày với ý hướng đó. Chúng ta thường quên mất điều này khi tham dự thánh lễ, đọc kinh Mân Côi, hoặc ngắm đàng Thánh Giá. Ở đây, tôi muốn chia sẻ một chút về cách tham dự thánh lễ.

Mỗi người trong chúng ta đều được Chúa giao cho một thiên thần hộ mệnh. Thiên thần hộ mệnh luôn bảo vệ và dẫn dắt chúng ta. Thiên thần đó cầu nguyện và can thiệp cho chúng ta trước Chúa. Khi chúng ta đi tham dự thánh lễ, thiên thần rất vui mừng và đi cùng chúng ta vào nhà thờ, ở lại với chúng ta cho đến nghi thức Lời Chúa. Trong lúc rước lễ, thiên thần cùng chúng ta dâng của lễ lên bàn thờ và ngợi khen Chúa Giêsu. Nếu chúng ta tham dự thánh lễ với ý hướng, thiên thần hộ mệnh sẽ dâng ý hướng đó lên Chúa Giêsu để cầu nguyện và chúng ta sẽ nhận được ơn phúc từ đó. Ý hướng này rộng hơn việc yêu cầu thánh lễ thông qua phong bì, vì nó là cho tất cả mọi người. Nếu chúng ta tham dự thánh lễ mà không có ý hướng, chúng ta sẽ không nhận được ơn phúc, chỉ hoàn thành bổn phận tham dự thánh lễ mà thôi. Thánh lễ là lời cầu nguyện cao cả nhất, nếu chúng ta dâng ý hướng của mình lên Chúa trong nghi thức Cầu nguyện của cộng đoàn, và trong nghi thức Dâng lễ, thì chắc chắn những lời cầu nguyện đó sẽ được nhậm lời. Đây là điều mà Chúa dạy chúng ta qua Thập Giá. Người trộm cắp trên thập giá là vị thánh đầu tiên của Giáo hội, theo truyền thống, tên của ông là “Dismas”. Bởi vì ông đã cùng Chúa Giêsu lên thiên đàng trong ngày đó. Chúng ta hãy nhớ lại lời Chúa Giêsu nói với ông: “Hôm nay, anh sẽ ở cùng Ta trong Thiên Đàng”. Chúa Giêsu là Đấng trung thành, và Người không bao giờ phá vỡ lời hứa. Trong lúc Thánh Lễ, Chúa Giêsu bị đóng đinh vào thập giá. Chúng ta hãy dâng ý hướng của mình lên Chúa và nhận nhiều ơn phúc.

Cuộc hành hương cầu nguyện được thực hiện cùng với Chúa và Thánh Thần.

Trong khi dạy về cầu nguyện, Thánh Phaolô nói: “Chúng ta không biết phải cầu nguyện thế nào, nhưng chính Thánh Thần cầu thay nguyện giúp cho chúng ta bằng những tiếng thở than không thể diễn tả thành lời” (Rôma 8:26). Thánh Thần là thầy dạy và người hướng dẫn cầu nguyện. Không có Thánh Thần, chúng ta không thể cầu nguyện. Vì Thánh Thần ban cho chúng ta tư cách để gọi Chúa là “Abba, Cha ơi” (Galat 4:6). Con đường cầu nguyện là cuộc hành hương được Thánh Thần dẫn dắt và thực hiện cùng với Chúa. Chúa nói: “Không có Ta, các con không thể làm gì được” (Gioan 15:5). Và Chúa Giêsu kêu gọi: “Hãy ở lại trong tình yêu của Ta” (Gioan 15:10). Cầu nguyện không bao giờ là điều con người có thể tự mình đạt được. Chúng ta hãy ghi nhớ điều này.

Chúa Giêsu là gương mẫu của cuộc hành hương cầu nguyện.

Kinh Thánh ghi lại nhiều lần Chúa Giêsu cầu nguyện: lúc chịu phép rửa (Luca 3:21), nơi hoang vắng (Luca 5:16), sau khi chữa lành bệnh nhân buổi tối (Mác 1:35), trước khi đi trên biển (Mátthêu 14:23, Mác 6:46, Gioan 6:15), trước khi chọn 12 tông đồ (Luca 6:12), trước khi Phêrô tuyên xưng đức tin (Luca 9:18), lúc biến hình (Luca 9:29), trước khi dạy các môn đệ cầu nguyện (Luca 11:1), cầu nguyện cho đức tin của Phêrô (Luca 22:32). Kinh Thánh cho biết Chúa Giêsu cầu nguyện vào đêm khuya và sáng sớm. Chúng ta có thể tưởng tượng Chúa cầu nguyện như thế nào, điều gì Ngài cầu nguyện. Có lẽ Ngài cầu nguyện như một đứa con nói chuyện với cha mình, vì Ngài biết lòng Cha. Một số đoạn Kinh Thánh ghi lại lời cầu nguyện của Chúa Giêsu, như trong Mátthêu 11:25-27: “Lạy Cha, Chúa tể trời đất, con ngợi khen Cha vì Cha đã giấu những điều này khỏi người khôn ngoan và thông thái, mà mặc khải cho những kẻ bé mọn. Vâng, lạy Cha, vì đó là điều đẹp ý Cha”. Khi Ladarô qua đời (Gioan 11:41-42), lời cầu nguyện của thượng tế (Gioan 17), lời cầu nguyện trong vườn Gethsemani (Mátthêu 26:36-46, Mác 14:32-42, Luca 22:39-46), lời cầu nguyện trên thập giá (Luca 23:34, Mátthêu 27:46, Mác 15:34, Luca 23:46).

Chúa Giêsu luôn cầu nguyện và làm gương cho chúng ta. Với tình yêu và sự tin tưởng vào Cha trên trời, chúng ta hãy dâng mọi sự trong tay Ngài, và cùng với Chúa Giêsu tiếp tục cuộc hành hương cầu nguyện được Thánh Thần dẫn dắt.





祈り:祈りという言葉を聞いてすぐに思い出すのは、何かを願うことです。しかし、祈りはそれ以上のものです。祈りは関係であり、私たちを愛してくださる神様との対話です。願うことや祈願は祈りの一部だけであり、それ自体は祈りではありません。ですからイエス様は祈りを教えてくださいと願ってきた弟子たちに次のように祈りなさいと「主の祈り」と知られている祈りを教えます。(マタイ6:9~13 ルカ11:2~4)。神様を「私たちの父よ」と呼ぶとき、祈りは単なる願いではなく、親子の関係であるべきということを主が教えます。さらに、神を父よと呼ぶ私たちが父の声に耳を傾ける子どもであるべきこともそこに含まれています。このように、対話の中で神様との関係を深めて行くことが本当の祈りです。これは「兄弟愛」の実践によって確かなものとなるものです。ですから、イエスは主の祈りの中で、ゆるしについて教える時に、兄弟を心から赦さないならあなたがたも父のゆるしをいただくことはできないと言われます。ですから、祈りは兄弟愛の実践によって神様の心に近づくことと言っても良いと思います。





イエス様は「ファリサイ派の人と徴税人」の譬え話を通してこのことを教えます。(ルカ18:9‐14)。この譬えでイエスの最後の言葉「義とされて家に帰ったのは、この人であって、あのファリサイ派の人ではない」は、祈りは関係であることを新たに教えます。「義とされる」という言葉の意味は「神様と正しい関係を持つ」ことです。イエス様が伝えようとされているのは、徴税人は謙遜に祈ったから神様の関係に入ることができ、ファリサイ派の人は、傲慢だったため神様と関係を築くことができなかったということでした。なぜなら、神様の道は教皇フランシスコが言われるように「謙遜・へりくだりの道」だからです。その中でも注目すべきことは、神様は言葉ではなく、心を見ておられ、心がきれいでなければ、どんなに立派な言葉で祈ってもその祈りは神様のもとに届かないということです。この譬えの中で、もう一つの要素(ようそ)があります。それは、人間関係です。ファリサイ派の人は他の人を見下し、責めたり、批判したりし、それを祈りの延長(えんちょう)だと思っていました。しかし、祈りは自分の足りなさを神様の前で認め、自分にできた偉大なことはすべて神様のおかげであることを知り、感謝することです。時々、私たちの祈りもファリサイ派の人と一緒で、神様の御前にいることを忘れて、人の間違い、相手の行動に目を向けてしまします。時々、心に怒り、憎しみ、妬み、恨みを抱きながらミサに参加し、御聖体拝領して、義務を果たしたと言いながら満足してしまします。しかし、イエス様の言葉を心に留めましょう。「あなたが祭壇に供え物を献げようとし、兄弟が自分に反感を持っているのをそこで思い出したなら、その供え物を祭壇の前に置き、まず行って兄弟と仲直りをし、それから帰って来て、供え物を献げなさい。」(マタイ5:23~24 )。


Pilgrimage of Prayer

Fr. Poul Karun

Pope Francis declared this year the “Year of Prayer” on January 21, 2024, as a period of preparation for the Jubilee Year in 2025 and stated that the “Year of Prayer” is “a year dedicated to rediscovering the great value of prayer and its absolute necessity in individual life, in the Church and the world.” The “Jubilee Year” theme is “Pilgrims of Hope.” I have linked this year’s and next year’s themes to the theme “Pilgrimage of Prayer.” “Prayer” and “Pilgrimage” are two different words, but their purpose is the same: to “Encounter God.” First, let’s learn about these two words in the theme.

Prayer: When we hear the word prayer, asking for something immediately comes to our mind. But prayer is more than that. Prayer is a relationship, a dialogue with God who loves us. Asking and petitioning are only part of prayer and are not prayer in themselves. Therefore, Jesus teaches his disciples, who had asked him to teach them how to pray, the prayer known as the “Lord’s Prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4). When we call God “Our Father,” the Lord teaches us that prayer is not just a request but should be a parent-child relationship. It also includes the fact that we who call God the Father should be children who listen to the voice of the Father. In this way, true prayer is, deepening our relationship with God through dialogue. This is ensured by the practice of “brotherly love.” Therefore, when Jesus teaches about forgiveness in the Lord’s Prayer, he says that you cannot receive the Father’s forgiveness if you do not forgive your brothers from your heart. Therefore, it is fair to say that prayer is getting closer to God’s heart by practicing brotherly love.

Pilgrimage: We probably use “Pilgrimage” as a synonym for Tour or picnic. Pilgrimage is a journey undertaken to meet God, placing our trust only in God and abandoning everything to seek God. The Apostle Peter says, “Sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.” (1 Peter 2:11). However, I don’t think that is what we think of as pilgrimage. In ancient Hinduism, pilgrimage was the last stage of life. From birth, as a person grows up learning the Holy Scriptures and the things necessary for life, find a job and start to support oneself, get married, have children in family life, and raise them. When your responsibilities towards them are over, leave everything behind and go barefoot to search for God. In Judaism, it was a sacred duty to go to the temple in Jerusalem once a year and offer sacrifices. They visited Jerusalem by singing psalms, met God, and returned to their towns and villages. In Islam, pilgrimage is a sacred duty, and people save money to go to the holy land at least once in their lifetime. They believe that those who die on the way to pilgrimage will go directly to heaven. Now that we understand what the words mean let us think a little about prayer as a pilgrimage.

Pilgrimage of prayer is a Journey of Faith.

Just as pilgrims make their journey completely trusting in God, we should entrust everything to the Lord and pray with faith. Every time Jesus heals a sick person, he says, “Your faith has made you well.” What is noteworthy about many healing miracles is that the prayer is short or absent. Prayers full of faith are always short. Look at St. Thomas’ confession of faith: “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). There was a deep faith in that confession. This is because believers do not cling to words but are confident in the Lord’s mercy and love. The prayer of the leper who asked Jesus to heal him was, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” (Mark 1:40). The prayer of Bartimaeus, who was blind from birth, was, “Son of David, have mercy on me” (Mark 10:47). The prodigal son, who returned home to his father and resolved to ask for his father’s forgiveness, said, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me one of your hired servants” (Luke 15:18-19). The woman who had suffered from bleeding for 12 years believed, “If I can just touch Jesus’ garment, I will be saved” (Mark 5:28). These prayers are short, but there is another aspect to them. That is their efforts. The leper approached Jesus, even to the extent of breaking the law (Mark 1:40). The woman, who was considered unclean by the law, went into the crowd and touched Jesus (Mark 5:27). The prodigal son realized his misery and resolved to go to his father (Luke 15:17-18). The blind man Bartimaeus continued to cry out even when silenced by the crowd (Mark 10:48). Our prayers should be like that. As Pope Francis says, we must continue praying until we “move the Heart of God.” This is also what Jesus taught his disciples. “Pray without ceasing and do not lose heart,” he told the parable of the widow and the judge to teach this (Luke 18:1-8). The Apostle Paul also writes this repeatedly. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Paul says, “Pray without ceasing,” Philippians 4:6 teaches, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Prayer should be done as a pilgrimage, with faith, dedicating our daily life to the Lord, thankful for the blessings given to us, and with trust and without worry.

The Path of the pilgrimage of prayer is Humility.

Jesus teaches this through the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14). Jesus’ final words in this parable, “I tell you that this man (tax collector), rather than the other (Pharisee), went home justified before God,” teach us anew that prayer is a relationship. The word “Justified” means “to have a right relationship with God.” What Jesus is trying to convey is that the tax collector was able to enter into a relationship with God because he prayed humbly, while the Pharisee was unable to build a relationship with God because he was arrogant. This is because, as Pope Francis says, God’s path is “the path of humility and self-deprecation.” What is particularly noteworthy is that God looks not at words but at the heart, and if our heart is not pure, no matter how noble our words are when we pray, our prayer will not reach God. There is another element in this parable. That is human relationships. The Pharisees looked down on others, blamed and criticized them, and thought it was an extension of prayer. However, prayer is about admitting our own shortcomings before God, knowing that all the great things we have done are from God, and being thankful to God for it. Sometimes, our prayers are like those of the Pharisee, forgetting that we are before God and focusing on other people’s mistakes and actions. Sometimes, we attend Mass with anger, hatred, jealousy, and resentment in our hearts, receive Communion, and feel satisfied, saying that we have fulfilled our obligations. However, let us remember the words of Jesus: “If you are offering your gift at the altar and remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. (Matthew 5:23-24).

To be Continued…










Let’s practice the love of The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Fr. Poul Karun

Dear brothers and sisters, in the Catholic Church the month of June is known as “The Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” Although the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus date back to the 12th century, it was the appearance of our Lord Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque that made it particularly popular. On June 16, 1675, the Lord appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and pointed to His heart, which is burning with love for humanity and lamented the callousness of people and urged them to honor the Sacred Heart by imitating his love for the humanity. After that, Jesus appeared to the Saint again and asked that a special feast day shall be dedicated to honor the Sacred Heart, that feast day be on the Friday after the Feast of Corpus Christi (Feast of the body and blood of Christ). This feast was established in 1856 by Pope Pius IX, and from 1899, the first Friday of the month became a day dedicated to the Sacred Heart and this veneration spread throughout the church.

The heart of Jesus is a symbol of God’s love for all mankind. This becomes clear when we look at the images and pictures of the Sacred heart of Jesus. The statue that evokes the infinite love of Jesus, with eyes filled with deep compassion, a heart that burns with love, and gently outstretched hands. If we take a close look, at the heart of Jesus, we will see a wound pierced by a spear, surrounded by a crown of thorns. There is also a cross standing above it, and there are flames around it. These all represent the love of Jesus for the humanity. Water and blood gushed forth from the pierced side (John 19:31-37), giving birth to the sacrament of Baptism, which brings us into communion with God, and the sacrament of the Eucharist, which fills us with the life of God. The wound caused by the piercing by the spear reminds us of this great mystery. The crown of thorns represents the pain that the Sacred Heart endures. The cross reminds us of the sacrificial work of love that Christ did, that is the sacrifice of his life to save us, and the flames indicates the love that Christ has for us, which is welcomes the sinners like us and warms our cold hearts. Therefore, let us learn from the Sacred Heart and practice that love in our day-to-day life.

Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and showed her his wounded and loving heart, saying, ‘Behold this Heart which has so loved men that it spared nothing, even going so far as to exhaust and consume Itself, to prove to them Its love. And in return, I receive from the greater part of men nothing but ingratitude, by the contempt, irreverence, sacrileges, and coldness’…. “There are only few who respond to my love” this is the sorrow that fills the heart of Christ. This word reminds me of the last words of Jesus on the cross: “I thirst.”

Then, what is causing the pain to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? The separation of our hearts from God increases the pain in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sin grieves God’s heart. It’s not just the bad things we do that are to be considered as sin; sin is also the failure to do the good that we are obliged to do. To break God’s commandments is sin, but it is also a sin to not fulfill Jesus’ commandment of love. We think of stealing, lying, anger, and envy as sins, but not helping those in need, indifference and not caring for God’s creation is also sin. As Pope Francis says, the sin of modern society is “indifference.” Egoism, which ignores others and becomes self-centered, hurts God’s heart more than atheism.

The way to ease this pain is to imitate the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and become a loving person. It is a response to the love of the Jesus who sacrificed everything for us. Not by words, but by deeds. Therefore, it is important to offer our cold hearts to the Lord and let Jesus to warm them up, in other words, to feel the love of the Lord. We can do this by spending more time with the Lord. We should look at the world with a heart wrapped in the love of Jesus and a heart warmed by Jesus. Then, we begin to see Jesus seeking for our love in our own homes, in the form of elderly grandparents, parents, and small children. Again, we can see Jesus in the form of young children waiting for words of encouragement. Furthermore, in hospitals and houses for the aged, we see the suffering figure of Jesus among the sick and elderly. Finally, in society, we see Jesus, suffering amidst the poor. In particular, the image of Jesus suffering and grieving due to the wars, natural calamities, domestic violence can be seen everywhere in society. There are people, worried because of the loss of jobs and the place to live in. There are people who work to feed the family, yet are being criticized etc. It is important to do something for these people and if we are not able to do anything we are invited to pray for them. Let us remember the words of Saint Mother Teresa. “You want to do something beautiful for God. There’s someone who needs you. This is your chance.” Doing what you can for someone is living a life of love.

 It’s difficult, but not impossible to live. If we are willing it is possible. That is why Jesus calls us “Come to me all you who are labored and burdened” He also promises, “you will find rest in me” (Matthew 11:28-30). The Lord is waiting with open arms to receive us and give us comfort. Shall we pay heed to that gentle voice?

 Let us sincerely respond to the love of Jesus. Let’s abandon indifference and imitate the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and become people who love tangibly. May the blessings of Almighty God, the source of love, be upon us.










  • 毎日の祈りとロザリオ。カナの婚宴で主の前に願った母マリアに倣い、毎日の(個人また家庭)祈り、またロザリオの祈りを忘れないようにしましょう。特に、世界に平和がもたらされ、地球温暖化による自然災害から守られますように願いましょう。子供たちと一緒に家族の祈りをすることを大切にしましょう。
  • 毎日の聖書読書と黙想。聖母の月に毎日少なくとも5分聖書を読む習慣を身につけましょう。それに合わせて10分の黙想を大事にしましょう。沈黙のうちに朗読された御言葉を味わい、神の優しい声を聴きましょう。


Holding The Hand of Mary Walk the Path of Faith

Fr. Poul Karun

To introduce myself, I am Fr. Poul, a Capuchin Priest from India. As you all know, I moved from Fukuoka on the 7th of April as the Parish Priest of Mine Catholic Church. This year marks the ninth anniversary of my ordination. It has been eight years since I came to Japan. As I earnestly study the language and culture of the Land, I will try hard to love all you with the heart of Christ the good shepherd and continue walking the path of faith together with you.

 We are in the month of May. Month of May is known in the Catholic Church as the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the angelus address of May 2009, Pope Benedict XVI spoke about the Marian month in the following words. “May is a month beloved and welcomed for many reasons. In our hemisphere, spring comes with a wealth of colorful flowers and normally, the climate is conducive to walks and excursions. For the Liturgy, May is always part of the Easter Season, the time of the “Alleluia”, of the revelation of Christ’s mystery in the light of the Resurrection and of our Paschal faith; and it is the time of awaiting the Holy Spirit who came down on the nascent Church powerfully at Pentecost. The Church’s tradition of dedicating the month of May to the Virgin Mary harmonizes very well with both these contexts, the natural and the liturgical. Indeed, she is the most beautiful flower to have unfolded since the Creation, the “rose” that appeared in the fullness of time when God, by sending his Son, gave the world a new springtime.” This month I would like to share a few thoughts on the theme, ” Holding the Hand of Mary Walk the Path of Faith.”

Pope Francis addressing the believers, consecrated people and priests said, ‘Those who do not have the Virgin Mary as their” MOTHER” are “ORPHANS.” This is because she is ‘the mother’ given by Christ from the cross to the humanity. The Bible teaches that when Jesus said to the beloved disciple who was standing at the foot of the cross, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. (John 19:27). Some bible scholars say that this beloved disciple was John, but in the Gospel of John, if the name is not mentioned, we can read it by inserting our own name. Therefore, the beloved disciple is “YOU and ME.” Mary is a precious gift from Jesus, and she guides us with the same maternal love.

I’m sure you’ve seen a small child holding her mother’s hand as it walks. The Child is without fear of falling. We too must hold Mary’s hand and begin our journey of faith. The Journey of faith is a “battle” as the scripture puts it. It is a battle against “the enemy the devil who prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). We need God’s grace to fight this battle because we cannot fight it on our own. Mother Mary shows us how to receive God’s grace to fight against the devil and at the same time how we can live the Graces that God bestows on us.

1. To entrust everything to God. Mary’s life was dedicated to God. “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word” (Luke 1:38), and Mary lived her life as a faithful servant in accordance with the will of her Master, God. She gave herself completely to God. She entrusted her thoughts, plans, and future to the Lord. The reason why Mary was able to stand firm despite the many hardships and sorrows that came her way in her life was because of her faith. She was confident that “God would never abandon her.” We need that kind of confidence too. ‘God will never abandon me.’ It is great to say these words to ourselves every day. If we firmly believe this, we will be able to overcome any situation.

2. Keep God’s Word in Heart and Meditate on it. The Scripture writes about Mary as follows: “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). Mary, who was chosen as the Mother of God, did not know everything, and not everything was revealed to her. She could not find a place to give birth to the Son of God. She was surprised by the words spoken by the Shepherds and Magi. Furthermore, the plot to kill the child Jesus by king Herod, the words spoken by Simeon in the temple and the words of the boy Jesus, who was lost and found in the temple, made her confused. Again, meeting her beloved Son on the way to Golgotha carrying the cross, witnessing the death of my own son was unexpected for Mary. But Mary understood that everything was God’s work, that everything was according to God’s plan. So, Mary kept everything in her heart. She not only kept but pondered over it. We too are facing many problems in our world, such as natural disasters, wars, conflicts, and discrimination issues. Like Mary, we need to open our heart to God in prayer, listen to God’s gentle voice in meditation. Then in the storm, we can listen to encouraging voice that comforts and fills us with hope, saying, “Don’t worry, I’m with you.” We should read and meditate on God’s Word (the Bible) to hear that voice.

As we begin our walk hand in hand with Mary, our mother, on the path of faith, let us make the following as our daily challenge.

• Recitation of Prayers and Rosary Daily. Let us remember to pray daily (individual and family) and pray the Rosary, following the example of our blessed mother Mary who pleaded before her Son at the wedding feast at Cana. In particular, let’s hope that peace will be granted to our world and all of us will be protected from natural disasters caused by global warming. Make it a point to pray with your children.

Daily reading of the Bible and meditation. Get into the habit of reading the Bible for at least five minutes every day. Along with this, make it a point to meditate for 10 minutes. In meditation listen to God’s gentle voice speaking to you.

As we walk together on the path of faith, holding the hand of Mother Mary, I pray and hope that through God’s grace we will bear abundant fruit.
