主任司祭メッセージ(2025年)| Priest’s Messages 2025

【2月】希望の源 ― 愛



 2025年通常聖年公布の大勅書「希望は欺かない」の初めに教皇フランシスコは次のように書き記します。「すべての人は希望を抱きます。明日は何が起こるか分からないとはいえ、希望はよいものへの願望と期待として、一人ひとりの心の中に宿っています。けれども将来が予測できないことから、相反する思いを抱くこともあります。信頼から恐れへ、平穏から落胆へ、確信から疑いへ。わたしたちはしばしば、失望した人と出会います。自分に幸福をもたらしうるものなど何もないかのように、懐疑的に、悲観的に将来を見る人たちです」。なぜ、人はそういう考えに陥ってしまうのかと考えた時に、浮かんだ答えは「恐れ・恐怖」でした。将来はどうなるか分からない、だから怖い、怖いからこそ前進できなくて立ち止まってしまうことは人生の中でたびたび経験しています。イエスを陸に残して、船を乗って湖を渡っていた弟子たちの場合も同様でした(マタイ14:22‐33、マルコ6:45-52、ヨハネ6:16‐21)。5000人に食事を与える、「パンを増やす」奇跡の後、使徒たちは、舟に乗り、湖の向こう岸のカファルナウムに行こうとした時にすでに暗くなっていたと聖書が教えます(ヨハネ6:17)。さらにヨハネは 「イエスはまだ彼らのところには来ておられなかったこと、強い風が吹いて、湖は荒れ始めた」(ヨハネ6:17‐18)という情報を追加します。





Love – The Source of Hope

Fr. Poul Karun

Throughout the Holy Jubilee Year, which began under the theme “Pilgrims of Hope,” we are invited to be the people “who hope and who bring hope.” Last month, I shared a little about hope under the theme “Light of Hope.” This month, I would like to continue and share with you my reflection on Hope under the title “Love – the source of hope.” I strongly believe that hope is born from “love.” Love is expressed in various forms and words in the Bible, but this time I would like to see that Love in my favorite words from the Scripture, “It is I; do not be afraid” (John 6:20; Matthew 14:27; Mark 6:50), and reflect about how the Lord’s words “Do not be afraid” gave hope to his disciples. In these words, we can see Jesus’ kindness, compassion, and acts of empathy and help. We have hope because Jesus is with us and loves us.

At the beginning of the bull of indiction of the ordinary jubilee of the year 2025, Spes Non Confundit. “Hope does not disappoint” Pope Francis wrote the following: “Everyone knows what it is to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring. Even so, uncertainty about the future may at times give rise to conflicting feelings, ranging from confident trust to apprehensiveness, from serenity to anxiety, from firm conviction to hesitation and doubt. Often, we come across people who are discouraged, pessimistic and cynical about the future, as if nothing could possibly bring them happiness”. When I thought about why people fall into such thoughts, the answer that came to mind was “fear.” We don’t know what the future holds, so we are scared, as a result, we are unable to move forward, so we get stranded because of fear. The same thing happened with the disciples who left Jesus on shore and got into a boat to cross the lake (Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, John 6:16-21). After the miracle of “multiplying the loaves” that fed the 5,000 people, the Bible tells us that it was already dark when the apostles got into the boat to go to Capernaum on the other side of the lake (John 6:17). John adds further information that “Jesus had not yet come to them, and the sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing. ” (John 6:17-18).

“It was dark, a storm was breaking out on the lake, and Jesus was not in the boat.” We can imagine how frightening the situation was for the disciples. What a hopeless scene it must have been, when they couldn’t see what was lying ahead, the boat was about to sink due to the strong wind, and there was no Jesus to rely on. What added to their fear was that, in the Old Testament, the sea was the home of demons, and it was believed that most of the lake was held by evil forces that humans could not control. Especially when the storm was raging, the deep darkness became a symbol of confusion and reminded the disciples of the darkness of the underworld. The disciples then realized that they were in the middle of the lake and were afraid of sinking and being sucked in by evil. So, Jesus walked on the water toward the disciples, but the disciples cried out “It’s a ghost” and became even more frightened. Then the Lord gently called out to them, “It’s I. Don’t be afraid.” His voice blew away the disciples’ anxiety and fear, and they were filled with hope. “It is I; do not be afraid.” In these words, Jesus’ love is hidden.

According to Mark, Jesus saw that the disciples were “straining at the oars against an adverse wind” so He came toward them early in the morning, walking on the sea. That is how love works. When it sees someone in trouble, it goes out and offers a helping hand. As Pope Francis says, “Love gives life and even pain meaning. Love is the driving force behind hope.” Love always gives the other person a sense of security that, “someone is there by the side, everything will be okay.” Jesus’ words gave the same sense of security to the disciples who were in fear and anxiety. Jesus’ words, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid,” have the power to calm people’s hearts, and that is love. It is like a mother’s voice soothing a crying baby. When the baby hears the mother’s voice, it stops crying because it feels that it no longer needs to be afraid. After all, the mother is there. In Jesus’ words, we can feel the presence of God, who is full of love. It is as written in the Psalm, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil, for you are with me” (23:4). Jesus came to this world for that purpose. Jesus, who was born as a human being, was called “Immanuel,” which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). Jesus, who came to be with us, made the promise before he was raised to heaven, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). Jesus is always with us, he will never abandon us, that is love, and that love is the source of our hope. From there, we are given the strength to live.

In the Gospel of Matthew, we find an interesting incident in which Peter, upon hearing Jesus’ words, “It is I; do not be afraid,” also walks on the water (Matthew 14:28-33). Peter says to Jesus, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water,” and Jesus commands him saying “Come.” Peter begins to walk on the water but becomes frightened by the strong wind and begins to sink. Sometimes we are like Peter. Having been baptized and determined to walk with Christ, we respond to the Lord’s invitation to “come” and begin our journey of faith. The journey of faith includes daily prayer, attending Sunday Mass, participating in church activities, and performing works of love and mercy, etc. The journey of faith is undertaken by “Gazing at Jesus.” However, sometimes like Peter, we look around and notice the strong winds that threaten to drown us. When strong winds of trials, difficulties, illness, anxiety, fear, dissatisfaction, worries about the future, family problems, work problems, relationship problems, etc. blow, we become scared and feel like we are sinking. When Peter began to sink, he cried out, “Lord, help me.” If we cry out in the same way, “Lord, help me,” the Lord will reach out to us, grab us, and walk with us. Here is a hint to gain hope: “Cry to the Lord.” In other words, “Prayer.” As Pope Francis says, “Christian prayer is a dialogue between people who love each other, a dialogue based on trust, sustained by listening and open to a commitment to solidarity.”

Book of Psalms we find the words, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you…. in God I trust; I am not afraid” (Psalm 56:3-4). This is a Psalm by David. David`s life was pursued by King Saul, to escape from Saul, David fled to the land of his enemy, the Philistines, and was captured. King David was praying in a situation where his life was almost in the hands of his enemies and he could be killed at any moment. Where did this trust come from? As King David sings in verse 4, “In God, whose word I praise,” he found his trust in God’s Word. The Lord’s words, “It is I; do not be afraid,” give us the same trust and hope.

God always speaks to us. When we feel down and can’t predict the future, when we think there is no hope, the Lord speaks to us, “Take heart. Do not be afraid, it is I.” He whispers, and when we hear it, we are saved. May we listen to the loving words of the Lord and continue to walk as pilgrims of hope, believing deeply that the Lord is with us.










 希望を英語で「HOPE」と言います。HOPE の頭字語を調べてみるとたくさん出てきました。その中にいくつかにキリスト教的意味を加えると、希望の歩みを続け、希望を伝える助けになると考え紹介したいと思います。

  1. HOPE- Hold On Pain Ends。直訳すれば、頑張れ、痛みは終わるという意味です。これは忍耐を教えます。イエス様も言われるように、最後まで耐え忍ぶ人は報いられるのです(マタイ24:13)。希望は待つように促します。待つときに忍耐を失わないように気を付けるべきです。
  2. HOPE- Hearing Other People’s Experiencesアルコホーリクス・アノニマス(AA)では、HOPEはこのように理解されています。他の人々の経験に耳を傾けること、分かち合うことの大事さを伝えています。だれもが話し相手を必要としています。今の社会に希望をもたらすというのは、話し相手になることでもあります。
  3. HOPE- Hold Onto Prayer Everyday「Hold Onto」 はつかまる、手放さないということを意味します。毎日の祈りに忠実であることが求められています。希望の源とつながっていなければ希望を見出し、伝えることは不可能です。イエス様が祈りを大切にしたように、私たちも祈りを大事にしましょう。
  4. HOPE- Helping Out People Everywhere 。どこでも人々を助けましょう。オーストラリアではこう理解します。希望を与えるというのは困った人々を助けることです。イエス様はいつも困っていた人々、助けを必要とする人々に助けの手を差し伸べたのです。今の世界はこのような助け人を必要としています。
  5. HOPE- Heart Open Please Enter心が開いています。どうぞお入りください。これは、今の社会にあるべき姿です。現代社会の存在している怖いものの一つは、差別です。人を人として受け入れないことは人間らしくありません。「誰でも私のもとに来なさい、休ませてあげよう」(マタイ11:28)と言われたキリストに倣い、すべてのキリスト者が誰をも歓迎する心を持たなければなりません。
  6. HOPE- He Offers Peace Eternalこれは、キリスト教的解釈であり、主が永遠の平安を与えてくださるという意味です。「わたしは、平和をあなたがたに残し、わたしの平和を与える。わたしはこれを、世が与えるように与えるのではない。」(ヨハネ14:27)と言われたイエス様の平和は聖霊のたまものです。聖霊を通して私たちの心に注がれている神様の愛はその希望の源です(ローマ5:5)。


Light of Hope

Fr. Poul Karun

Brothers and sisters, a New Year has arrived. With the new year begins a new journey. This year also marks the “Jubilee Year” proclaimed every 25 years in the Catholic Church. The theme of the Jubilee year is “Pilgrims of Hope,” during the Jubilee year we are invited to build a vibrant personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, who is “our hope” (1 Timothy 1:1) and the “gate” of salvation (John 10:7, 9) and share that hope with our brethren. I would like to reflect with you on the various aspects of “hope” throughout this year. Inspired by the papal bull of Pope Francis for the Jubilee Year titled “Hope does not deceive” I would like to share some thoughts on the first theme of this year “Light of Hope.”

The words of the Apostle Paul, “Hope does not deceive us” (Romans 5:5), show us the importance of hope. The Greek word Paul uses is “Elpis,” which has the basic meaning of “expectation of good things.” And that hope is said to be a hope that will not end in disappointment. The Greek word used for “disappointment” is “kataischynei ” and it means “betrayal.” Paul is saying, “Hope that will not end up in disappointment, hope that will not betray us, will not put us to shame.” Let’s briefly study what the Bible teaches us about hope.

The Hebrew word for “hope” is “tikvah,” which means to twine, wait, or expect. The root of this word is “qavah,” which means to bind, align, or expect. The first time “tikvah” appears in the Bible is in the story of Rahab in Joshua 2. It literally means a twine or cord (Joshua 2:17-19). When used symbolically, it means expectation or hope. The crimson cord that Rahab tied to the window was “tikvah.” Rahab and her family’s lives depended on the hope that the Israelite spies would save them as promised. This cord was a symbol of that “hope of salvation.” The cord that Rahab tied was a symbol of hope, and Rahab was waiting for it to come true. When the Israelites occupied Jericho and drove everyone out, it was the cord tied to the window by Rahab that saved her family. (Joshua 6:22-24). Therefore, the “hope” the Bible speaks of is “waiting in expectation for the fulfillment of God’s promises.” Paul teaches that this is the kind of hope he is speaking of and that Jesus Christ is that hope (Colossians 1:27).

I remember a few lines from a movie I watched a few years ago “Humans can survive for days without food, for hours without water, and for minutes without air. But without hope, we cannot live even a moment.” Without hope, everything is dark and we cannot find meaning in life. Hope is the light that illuminates our path and the source of that hope is Christ.

Hope, as Pope Francis says, is “moving steadily forward with Christ towards the Father who is waiting for us.” On the path of hope, we are never alone. There is a loving Father who is waiting for us. And there is Jesus who leads us to the Father. Therefore, the Pope emphasizes that hope is something that never stops. Hope is something that always continues to move forward, and it makes us walk.

The world today desperately needs hope. In particular, our world is troubled by climate change, natural disasters due to global warming, and the conflicts, wars, and disputes that are around the world, as well as the problem of increasing numbers of refugees and migrants who have lost their homes due to these issues. In addition, family problems, education problems, and economic problems because of which there is growing anxiety about what the future holds. We all know how important hope is in our world, which is assailed by fear and anxiety. So this Jubilee Year, let us deepen our understanding of hope and learn what it means to be Pilgrims of Hope.

Hope is not believing in ourselves, but trusting something beyond ourselves. As Christians, we live by the hope that Christ gives us. Furthermore, we should be ambassadors of this hope. So, first of all, we need to be people filled with hope. Those who open their hearts to Christ and humbly entrust everything to Him will find hope. Those who open their hearts to Christ will not walk in darkness, for Christ Himself is the light of the world (John 8:12). We should receive the light of Christ and use it to illuminate the path of ourselves and others.

When I looked up the acronym for HOPE, I found many. I would like to share some of them, adding Christian meanings to them, as I believe they will help us continue our pilgrimage of hope and spread hope.

1. HOPE- Hold On Pain Ends: It means to hang in there and the pain will end. This teaches patience. As Jesus said, those who endure to the end will be rewarded (Matthew 24:13). Hope encourages us to wait. We should be careful not to lose patience while waiting.

2. HOPE- Hearing Other People’s Experiences: In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), HOPE is understood like this. It conveys the importance of listening to and sharing the experiences of others. Everyone needs someone to talk to. Bringing hope to today’s society also means being someone who listens.

3. HOPE- Hold Onto Prayer Everyday: “Hold Onto” means not let go. We are invited to be faithful to our daily prayer. It is impossible to find and share hope if we are not connected to the source of hope. Just as Jesus valued prayer, so should we value prayer.

4. HOPE- Helping Out People Everywhere: Let’s help people everywhere. This is how Hope is understood in Australia. Giving hope means helping people in need. Jesus always extended a helping hand to people who were in need and in need of help. The world today needs such helpers.

5. HOPE- Heart Open Please Enter: My heart is open. Please come in. This is how society should be today. One of the scary things that exists in modern society is discrimination. It is inhumane not to accept humans as humans. Following the example of Christ, who said, “Come to me, all of you who are burdened, and I will give you rest,”(Matthew 11:28) all Christians must have a heart that welcomes everyone.

6. HOPE- He Offers Peace Eternal: This is a Christian interpretation, and it means that the Lord will give you eternal peace. The peace of Jesus, who said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; I do not give it to you as the world gives” (John 14:27), is a gift from the Holy Spirit. God’s love, poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, is the source of that hope (Romans 5:5).

The foundation of our hope is the conviction that “God is with us” and the belief that we are loved by God. God is always with us and will never abandon us. Let us begin our journey in 2025 in the light of this hope. Embrace hope and move forward step by step, becoming someone who brings hope.
